Ash and the environment

A big aim for Ash this year is to consider our impact on the environment in more depth.

Making a conscious effort to improve our environmental impact we kicked the year off by undergoing an external environmental review. This will aid us in determining where changes could be made to improve the environmental performance of the business both in office and out on sites. Along with praise for our current practices to reduce our environmental impact, the review provided constructive criticism on where changes can be made to implement new practices that will make our operations even more environmentally friendly. 

A large focus for us as a construction company is the amount of waste generated by our business activities. At every site, we produce a waste management report, detailing the level of landfill waste generated. As a business, we aim for 100% zero landfill and currently average at 96%. Additionally, our Subcontractor and Material buyer is implementing the necessary checks to ensure a greener more sustainable supply chain where possible. 

Ash is committed to raising awareness of environmental issues and providing informed content on how everyone can reduce their personal impact. This year we aim to spread awareness through both our site activity and social platforms. Leading with our CCS registered sites as an example to smaller sites we have begun implementing changes, supported by the scheme, to promote individuals taking responsibility for their actions that impact the environment. Such as encouraging carpooling where possible and displaying informative information around site. 

Taking responsibility for our environmental impact is something we at Ash feel is essential given the current state of the climate and a stance we encourage everyone to take.